Today we had our final fairwells to Steve at his wake. Little know to his audio customers was that he was an avid member of the RAOB and help raise money for many local charities including the helicopter ambulance. Thank you to all of those family, customers and member of the RAOB for being there or sending in their best wishes.

We are aware that many customers are finding it confusing at present as we are forced to section out the business to manage the workload. Rest assured that One Thing Audio is alive and kicking and you will still have the initial one to one call with Simon, Stevens’ last remaining sibling who has been behind the scenes in One Thing for many years. Simon has been pivotal in producing the many boards we use and designing new products such as our full new PSU for the 57s

Our eBay presence has been discontinued for the time being as the mighty Ebay have now way of transferring ownership and have closed the account down. Our presence will be increased through one_thing_audio_uk. This has been put on the back burner for a while as we deal with Stevens legacy and take care of family commitments, but rest assured we will be back up and running as before as soon as we can.

Thank you for your continued support at this time.

One Thing Audio

PS please excuse any typos as this was written on a phone directly after Stevens wake.